If you have arrived at this page you may well be wondering what make money WOW is. It can mean lots of things, but in this case it is the fantastic World of Warcraft. I have compiled a money guide list of ways to earn money when you play WOW. Some you may know and others you will be thankful for this guide to make money wow. There seems to be lots of complaints about not having enough money to buy your mount around the level 40 mark. So here are a few tips to help you make some gold to spend in the game and hints on the best skills, items and professions to look for.
Make Money wow
Make Money wow
- Check out the Argent tournament and shadow dailies as each one can net over ten gold.
- Gather skills as this can make money in wow.
- Some people actually buy wow accounts so they do not have to play the lower level but I would not advise this as it could get you banned.
- If you are a more advanced player you can make fantastic money by Power levelling peoples characters.
- The best way to make money is to play Solo as this will give you all the loot. If you have 3 in your group to make the same amount you would have to work 3 times harder.
- Work with a group when you have a long stretch of time to play, otherwise play solo for maximum returns.
- Before you sell to a vendor check the AH median price remembering the white wow items are normally the most expensive and cloth is really valuable so get the best deal you can.
- It's best to have buyout for make money wow items you are selling because buyers can potentially go elsewhere.
- Write down how much you sold each wow item for. This way you can buy back at reduced prices and make a killing when you put them back on sale.
World of Warcraft, Make money wow
Picture credits stock.xchng
Make money wow: Skills and items
- Trade wow skill recipes are really good sellers in the AH, and can often be found in more remote places so make sure you check out every vendor.
- look out for food and drink vendors as they have rare potions which can resell for large amounts earning you heaps.
- Boost attacks and spell damage are good money making items and very popular.
- Trade wow skills are one of the best ways to make money, so if you haven't got this go and add it now.
- Check the mob value search before deciding where to hunt as this can indicate great returns.
- Look at the interactive maps as these can direct you to some rare items to increase and Make money wow.
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